In June of 2013, I was part of a group of presenters from Old Dominion University that presented 6 different presentations at the XV Comparative Education World Congress, which was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The presentations were:
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered student rights on Italian campuses.
- Retention issues of mature students: A comparative examination of programs in the United States and Ireland.
- Disability law and university policy in the United States.
- Comparative analysis of the United States and United Kingdom higher education gift-giving system.
- Recent Federal higher education initiatives in the United States.
- Comparative higher education systems class as a means to increase international understanding of higher education systems.
The World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) was established in 1970. The WCCES is an international organisation of comparative education societies worldwide and is an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO. Mark Bray, holder of the UNESCO Chair in Comparative Education, chairs the WCCES UNESCO Liaison Standing Committee.
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